Friday, December 16, 2011

Does a vpn allow people from across the globe from a different network across the internet to connect your?

does a vpn allow people from across the globe from a different network across the internet to connect your private network? can't you do this without a vpn.|||Yes, you can. There are several ways to form a connection (telnet, ftp, ssl, ssh, http, https). A VPN simply allows you to create a secure tunnel across two locations. What that means is that a virtual tunnel is created where the actual data packets are encrypted and encapsulated in a "box" with exposed source and destination information for routing purposes. The user seems like he or she is on the same network, but topologically is not (different physical location, different network id), and the traffic is encrypted, so cannot be "spied" on (given that the encryption is high enough). It's very useful for people that work remotely from the main servers, for example.|||Anyone connected to the Internet can connect to a VPN (assuming they have the proper creds). There used to be a problem with a person on a private network connecting to another private network thru VPN but that's been eliminated through a process called NAT Traversal.

VPN is not the only way to remotely connect to a private network. There is still Frame Relay and point-to-point available and a number of other ways. But VPN is currently the cheapest and easiest way to make a remote user appear like he's on the LAN. One exception might be remote access services like Go-To-My-PC and similar services where the remote person takes control of a local computer. That may be cheaper and easier than VPN but it costs you 1 extra PC (the one that the remote user takes over).

You could also simply allow access to your servers without using VPN -- just use HTTP, FTP, Etc for access through the web.|||Yes, this is what it does.

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