Saturday, December 10, 2011

How can I use the any messengers during the VPN connection in my system?

I am the user of VPN (virtual Private Network) how can I get connected to any messenger i.e. yahoo,msn etc or brows other web sites?|||When you create a VPN connection, your computer is making a tunnel from your computer to the distant network. All data is going through that tunnel. So, if this is a work VPN and your work does not allow the use of messengers, then you will not be able to connect to them until you break down the VPN tunnel.

Security and privacy are the reasons why companies use VPN, to protect their proprietary information from hackers, spyware and other security risks.|||u have to get password for u internet once ur connect 2 vpn ur work group ur belongs to the vpn network so u need a user name and password

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