Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is a VPN and can I use it on my iPod?

I have a verizon air card. It has an option when starting the internet on my computer to start a "VPN." What is a VPN? My iPod touch also has an option to add VPN can I acess internet through this if I start a VPN on my computer?|||VPM is basically a way to have a secure connection from your iPod touch to I guess another computer

It's usually used in large corporate offices

It's not something the average person knows about or can even use really

You'll have to do some research or call Verizon and ask but this is the best explanation I received, Even the people at Apple had no clue what it is|||Here are a few links that describe the VPN and how it's used.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

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